Former CMO & Vice Chair in Marketing, GE Beth Comstock said about marketing; “Marketing’s job is never done. It’s about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day.” Marketing is always about being innovative and up-to-date.
Cryptocurrency marketing is one of the most popular topics of the new age. Cryptocurrencies, the most prominent product of blockchain technology, affect a wide range of products. A great innovation happened in many services with crypto currencies. Despite this innovation, Blockchain and crypto money projects in the field of marketing generally use traditional marketing tools and methods.
Community Building

A single marketing strategy or some of the traditional strategies is never enough in the crypto world for clients and communities. For instance, community building is crucial in crypto marketing strategies. Then organizing events, technical issues; It is necessary to use many marketing strategies such as airdrops, giveaways,staking rates, forks…
Marketing processes differ in every area, but unlike all of them, the crypto industry is not fed with traditional methods cause the community is searching for new ideas in every part of this new technology. To be successful in crypto marketing, it is necessary to be able to use more than one strategy at the same time.
It is crucial to understand what crypto is before the marketing process begin. It is also necessary to know the impact of blockchain in Crypto and to understand the communication of the subject of blockchain between computers. At the same time, it is necessary not to underestimate and understand the large mass of Bitcoin, which constitutes 40% of the market by 2022.
Another issue is the emergence of crypto as a new technology. For this reason, it would be wrong to expect a technology that affects societies and even the financial systems of states and whole market value is determined through societies, to be understood by the masses at once. Technology must first introduce itself. The best marketing technique for this is content marketing.
We mentioned that building a community is the most important aspects of crypto marketing. word of mouth marketing develops naturally in this community by making good community building. It also makes the community the focus of all activities when it informs about the latest updates in crypto, partnerships, roadmap of projects, and goals.
Connect With Your Community

In this regard, the product itself may be the strategy; dApps, DeFi platforms and especially DAO’s would be perfect examples for this. Connecting and interacting with your community by allowing them to contribute to your project, participate in the management of the platform, or share the platform’s revenues is an excellent way to build long-term relationships and interaction. This is one of the best marketing strategy.
Even when buying products of brands we know and trust, don’t we examine them and their functions? What distinguishes that product from the same products of other trusted brands?
There are many ways of working strategy in crypto marketing. Some of these continue as SEO, marketing tools, collaborations with crypto phenomena, events, and the list goes on. Let people comment on your project!
It plays an important role in making your project visible to communities or individuals and attracting the attention of potential users. Of course, contribution to new projects is not just about crypto marketing.
The main issue that crypto investors also care about is how much return in how long the projects and tools they invest will bring them or how low the risks are.If the founders are clear about the business idea or model they are trying to convey to the audience, they can easily crowdfund their platforms, get their IDOs listed, or even consider pitching ideas before investors.

States, banks, financial centers and financial official structures are the slowest-moving structures in terms of regulation and applicability, and decision-making mechanisms are slow. In crypto, this is the opposite and it has fast decision mechanisms with its community due to its decentralization. This also means a fast marketing process.
Finally, it is a fact that the crypto marketing process has started to feed all metaverses, web3 platforms, except for the real finance sector, with the huge market value of the crypto marketing process as of 2023.
The potential of cryptocurrencies to be fully integrated with web3 technologies has brought thousands of new crypto projects into our lives. This also shows that crypto marketing studies create a wide field of work.
Cryptocurrency markets takes a large share from traditional markets. It reminds us of the fact that all crypto projects on the blockchain need a good crypto marketing and community apart from what is written in their white papers.
Therefore, the thumb rule of marketing for any cryptocurrency could be a consistent, positive, and clear marketing strategy that keeps investors holding and market cap rising.