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Work in Crypto Season 1: What Did We Discuss with Our Guests? 

As KRPT, during the first season of our Work in Crypto series, we hosted many experts in the crypto industry and we had guests from Block Earner, Binance, Gate, OKX, and Yula Labs. 

With our HR Manager Elif Hamitoglu, our guests talked about the pros and cons of the crypto industry and shared their experiences in the industry with us in the finest details. In addition, they gave a lot of advice to people who want to focus on cryptocurrencies.

Block Earner – Emrah KARADERE

Our first guest was Emrah Karadere, Block Earner’s Head of Operations in Turkiye. Karadere, who graduated from engineering, stated that he had trouble adapting when he first entered the crypto industry due to the dynamic structure and differences.

He said that user profiles for Block Earner, which operates in two different countries, vary greatly from country to country. For this reason, he added that as a team, they have to constantly observe both the technology and the users, and according to Karadere, those who want to work in the industry will find themselves in a constant change in this industry.

Also, he advised that people who want to engage in the industry should have at least some ‘Artificial Intellengence’ knowledge and they should have basic industry knowledge.

Binance TR – Harika ELDOGAN 

Our second guest was Harika Eldogan, Senior Marketing Director of Binance TR. She emphasised that as Binance TR, they always aim to improve the users’ experience by trying to determine what users want in the most appropriate way. 

Erdogan, who has been working at Binance for 2 years, stated that she had previously worked in e-commerce and a telephone company and added that she liked this industry more. 

Besides, she underlined that it is very important for people who want to work in this industry to have a good command of current issues and technical development. She also said that since the industry is very new, they should follow the best sources while following the topics and trying to learn new things.

In addition, she stated that since the industry has a lot of ups and downs, they should be ready for change at any time and that they should always make themselves ready for this as stress and motivation.

Don’t Miss It | Working in Crypto Industry: Cons and Pros 

Gate TR – Temir GOKALP

Our third guest was Temir Gokalp, Chief Operating Officer of Gate TR. He attributes the reason why is so popular in Turkiye to the width of exchange’s structure.

He said that people who want to focus on crypto industry should have a very high knowledge portfolio and a strong network. In order to improve their network, he recommended that these people frequently participate in crypto events, which are very common in the crypto world, and to be in constant contact with people.

Moreover, he added that they should improve their problem solving and analytical intelligence and be aware of every possible information source.


Our forth guest was Sinem Suslu, Marketing Lead of OKX TR. When asked about her experience in the cryptocurrency industry, Suslu – who has been employed by OKX for more than a year – said that she has never been bored and has always learned new things every day.

Given how volatile the cryptocurrency industry is, she also noted that some people would find this siituation uninteresting and some people get bored easily.

Yula Labs – Yasemin GULECYUZ

The last guest of our first season of Work in Crypto was Yasemin Gulecyuz, Co-Founder and CEO of Yula Labs.

Gulecyuz, who has been in the crypto industry for 7-8 years, said that at first she had a lot of difficulty in the industry and even thought that she could not continue, but then she realize that she could not work anywhere but crypto industry.

She also added that people can always improve themselves in this industry and as Yula Labs, they expect candidates to have at least fundamental economy knowledge when they are recruiting.

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